Saturday, August 28, 2010

Forgetfulness and School Updates

I have been very forgetful lately, and I don’t know why. I’m usually not the kind of person to forget something; I always over pack and double/triple check things over. So why have I been forgetting so much? They aren’t major things, but it still bugs me. It started off with me forgetting my cloth I wipe my face with at home instead of taking it to school. I was extremely gross and sweaty all day. Not cool. The next time I forgot something, I left my English to Japanese dictionary at home when my host mom took me out to apply for Japanese health insurance. Can you say stupid? Then when I went sightseeing with my counselor I brought my camera but forgot my extra batteries. Thankfully, the ones in my camera didn’t die. I was lucky. Now for the big one, I am still extremely mad at myself for this. I forgot my English to Japanese dictionary at school. I have been without it all weekend and it has been so frustrating. And the ironic part is that my teacher offered to lend me her giant English to Japanese dictionary for the weekend but I turned it down because “I would survive with mine.” ARGH!!! What is with me? –Sigh- Okay, sorry about that. I just needed to vent. But don’t worry, I won’t ever forget about my blog! :)

School has been an experience like no other. I have gone for three days and I’m starting to really enjoy it. I get a lot of attention at school though; it can be really embarrassing sometimes. I made a speech to the entire school so everyone knows my name. This is such an abnormally for me. Haha. I’ve gone to just being another human being wandering the school halls to a celebrity where everyone knows me and wants to be my friend. It partly has to do with my blonde-ish hair. There are 39 other students in my class and they all have been extremely welcoming and helpful. Unfortunately, I can only remember a few of their names and that makes me feel a bit guilty at times. I will eventually remember them all though.

Because I am a brand new exchange student, the teachers don’t expect much of me. But I have been surprising a lot of them. Even though I don’t understand what they are saying or writing, I still attempt to write down all of the notes. It’s better than just sitting there and fanning myself. (There is absolutely no air conditioning.) In Math class, they were doing stuff I learned in grade 9 so I was actually able to understand it and my Math teacher was shocked that I was doing the work. I am still learning new things though! During any English classes, I go down to the library or staff room to do my own studies. My teacher, Namae-sensei, is the best teacher in the whole entire world. She went out and bought me a bunch of Japanese textbooks to study from and she said she ordered more as well because they were sold out. She is also buying me an electronic translator this weekend! How cool is that? Oh, and she is the English teacher so she helps me with a lot of things from telling me what’s going on, to making sure I know where I am going, and explaining what some students are trying to say to me. School is looking so much more enjoyable because of the extra mile Namae-sensei is going to make sure I’m comfortable and understand. I am so blessed.

We have a school festival coming up next weekend as well as a field trip on Thursday. The field trip is to watch some sort of traditional Japanese theatre I think. (I’m not quite entirely sure though.) But I am still looking forward to both! This week I am also hoping to get around watching different club actitivies and choosing what club I would like to join. I may also have a chance to see each one at the school festival as well. (This is a span of three days, meaning I get the following Tuesday and Wednesday off!) So despite me and my forgetfulness, things are really looking good for the next week! I am so excited!


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